Moose Jaw Chiropractor
Spinal Care
Dr. Curtis Campbell
Dr. Curtis Campbell was born and raised in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and graduated high school at Central Collegiate. While in high school, he played hockey for the Moose Jaw Midget AAA Warriors for two seasons. After high school, he went to the University of Alberta where he graduated in 2006 with a Bachelor of Science degree, with a major in biology and a minor in chemistry. In the fall of 2006, Dr. Campbell attended the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto and graduated with clinic honors in 2010.

Dr. Curtis diagnoses and treats a wide variety of conditions and disorders relating to the skeletal, nervous and muscular systems. He also has a special interest in sports injuries and rehabilitation. He believes patient education and open communication is imperative to patient care and encourages discussion regarding patient’s health care needs.

Dr Curtis Campbell

Dr. Curtis Campbell's Hours

Monday - Thursday
8am - 12 noon
1:30pm - 6:00 pm

8:00am - 4:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm

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